Knowdys relies on a rigorous and comprehensive methodology to assess the risks faced by its clients:


Risk identification

Context analysis: Knowdys analyzes the internal and external context of the company to identify potential sources of risks.

Risk mapping: Knowdys creates an exhaustive list of potential risks, categorizing them (financial risks, operational risks, strategic risks, etc.).

Evaluation of probability and impact: Knowdys assesses the likelihood of each risk occurring and its potential impact on the company.


Risk analysis

In-depth analysis of major risks: Knowdys thoroughly analyzes the identified major risks to better understand their causes and potential consequences.

Evaluation of existing controls: Knowdys assesses the existing controls implemented by the company to mitigate risks.

Identification of improvement measures: Knowdys proposes improvement measures to strengthen existing controls and reduce risks.


Risk communication and monitoring

Presentation of evaluation results: Knowdys presents the results of the risk assessment to company executives and stakeholders.

Implementation of an action plan: Knowdys assists in implementing an action plan to mitigate the identified risks.

Monitoring and updating of the assessment: Knowdys ensures regular monitoring of risks and updates the assessment as necessary.


Strengths of risk assessment by Knowdys

Methodical and rigorous approach: Knowdys relies on a proven methodology to ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment of risks.

Proven expertise and experience: Knowdys has a team of experienced experts in risk management.

Holistic and proactive vision: Knowdys takes into account all the risks the company is exposed to and proposes solutions to prevent and mitigate them.

Knowdys evaluates risks in a variety of areas

Financial risk analysis: Knowdys assesses financial risks faced by a company, such as credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.

Operational risk assessment: Knowdys evaluates operational risks within a company, including risks related to internal processes, IT systems, and human resources.

Strategic risk analysis: Knowdys analyzes strategic risks for a company, such as competitive risk, technological obsolescence risk, and market evolution risk.


Knowdys is committed to providing quality support in risk assessment. With its rigorous methodology and proven expertise, Knowdys helps companies protect themselves from potential dangers and maximize their chances of success.