Knowdys provides comprehensive and compelling assistance to clients in preparing financing applications, increasing their chances of obtaining the necessary funds:


Analysis of the project and financing needs

Understanding the project: Knowdys immerses itself in the client’s project to grasp its intricacies.

Evaluation of financing needs: Knowdys calculates the required funding amount, considering the various project components.

Risk and collateral analysis: Knowdys identifies potential project risks and proposes solutions to mitigate them.


Compilation of the financing documentation

Business plan drafting: Knowdys creates a clear and concise business plan, highlighting the project’s potential and the team’s expertise.

Compilation of financial documents: Knowdys gathers relevant financial documents such as balance sheets, income statements, and financial projections.

Preparation of annexes: Knowdys prepares supplementary annexes, such as market studies or recommendation letters.


Formatting and presentation of the documentation

Structuring the dossier: Knowdys organizes the documentation logically and professionally.

Attractive visual presentation: Knowdys employs a clean and polished design to enhance readability.

Tailoring the dossier to the target audience: Knowdys adapts the content and presentation of the documentation based on the recipients.


Support in financing search

Identification of financing sources: Knowdys assists in identifying potential funding sources, such as banks, investment funds, or public institutions.

Contacting investors: Knowdys can help establish contact with potential investors and arrange presentation meetings.

Negotiation of financing terms: Knowdys can participate in negotiating financing terms to secure the best conditions possible.


Strengths of Knowdys in preparing financing applications

Proven expertise and experience: Knowdys has a team of experienced experts in finance, dossier preparation, and financing research.

Personalized and tailored approach: Knowdys adapts its methodology to the specific needs of each client and project.

Knowdys ensures that the financing application is comprehensive and persuasive, including all the necessary elements to convince investors.


In summary, Knowdys provides valuable support in preparing financing applications. With its expertise and personalized approach, Knowdys helps companies increase their chances of obtaining the necessary funding to realize their projects and facilitate growth.


Here are some concrete examples of how Knowdys prepares financing applications:

Drafting a business plan for a startup: Knowdys assists a startup in drafting a business plan to secure funding from angel investors.

Compiling a loan application dossier: Knowdys helps a company put together a loan application dossier to finance its expansion.

Preparing a presentation for an investment fund: Knowdys assists a company in preparing a presentation for an investment fund to raise funds for its innovation project.

Knowdys is committed to providing quality support in preparing financing applications to its clients. With a rigorous methodology and proven expertise, Knowdys helps companies maximize their chances of success and achieve their goals.